COVID-19 Safety Measures
At Pandosy Village Dental, we are really excited that we can start to see you back in the clinic again! We want to ensure that anyone visiting our clinic is safe and know that a tremendous amount of planning and preparation has gone into making sure of this. All of our safety measures comply with the guidelines set by the B.C. Ministry of Health and College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. Please take the time to read through this list of the safety measures that we have put in place.
Safety Measures:
- A Covid-19 Consent to Treatment and Declaration of Health form must be filled out prior to your visit to receive treatment.
- Should the status of your health change, please notify us right away.
- Patients are required to come to the clinic at their scheduled appointment time ONLY, to ensure physical distancing. If you arrive early please wait in your vehicle or outside the building.
- We ask that patients do not bring family members or other visitors with them to keep the people in the clinic at a minimum at a given time, unless the patient is under the age of 16 and needs to be accompanied by a guardian or an individual with mobility restrictions that require assistance.
- We have set up a hand sanitizing station at the entry to the clinic. Please use this as soon as you enter.
- We highly encourage you to bring and wear a mask to your appointment if you have one.
- Please try and use your washroom at home before you come to the office.
- Please no cash transactions at this time!
Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients neighbors and friends!
Dr. Patti Skidmore and Team